Board Member

Keith Jones

Board Member

Keith began his UPS career in 1976 as a package handler in Oakland, CA while attending California State University, in Hayward, CA. The part-time worked out well for Keith enabling him to complete his degree, at University of California, Berkeley.

In 1978, Keith found his professional niche in Human Resources. He launched a career path that took him from Oakland to San Francisco, Hong Kong and Taipei as part of the company’s international expansion. He eventually went to Houston, Maryland, Washington, DC (as part of the Public Affairs Group), and finally to the World Headquarters in Atlanta, GA.

Over his 30-year career, Keith hired, promoted, and mentored a myriad of people. One of Keith’s career highlights was in 1989, being the first UPS executive to attend the National Urban’s League annual BEEP Conference (Black Executive Exchange Program).

When Keith retired from UPS in 2007 as Vice President of Human Resources, he joined former colleagues as a board member with MARCH Foundation. He finds the growing philanthropic efforts to be fulfilling.

We support the education of African American youth.